Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Submerced in the ocean of love, I want to give, a voice says, get out of the way,
Then I melt into the ocean, hiding nothing, wanting nothing, here to stay,
Then an overflowing spring, of sweet nectar, comes up and flows through my eyes,
Sweetening the air and blessing what is there, no limit, not even the sky´s,
Giving is not a desire, the answer that comes, surrender is the only way to the perfection
I have been going the wrong way, we always go the wrong way, we need another direction,
Get out of the way, a vioce says, vanish, disappear, evaporate, and the sun of glory will shine through,
You are in the way all of the time, the voice says, but the face of God, I want to see,
But I am the veil, the curtain that is hiding the pressious pearl, but I say, I want to be,
I need to surrender, remove the human from my being, then the sun of glory and reality can shine,
I work hard to be loving, release my emotional patterns, but I am still cast out of the palace of the King,
Wait, the Beloved has been seen, this is what I long for, this is what can make my heart sing,
I feel so frustrated, discontented, astranged, alienated, a voice says, get out of the way, give up the ego,
At this very point, moment of dispondency, the doors of my heart are flung open, I know where to go,
I am showered with grace, my heart dances with joy, full of sweet gatitude, my tears run like rivers,
I have been going the wrong way, I feel compassion for others, who go the wrong way, we are givers,
The most merciful brings me closer to the velvety light, into soothing water, and washes my greatful heart,
Washed in rose water, my quivering heart melts, everything becomes part of the sky, a new start,
Washed with gentle rain and cooled with the loving breeze, I bathe in the warm radiance, newness I see,
God means absence of ego, no more and no less, forget all the rest, this is the only true reality,
Sin is not an evil deed, sin is not going against the commandments of God, judging and punishing all,
It is just forgetting, it is just forgetting God, our true nature, and not listening to the divine call,
The ego or the natural world, is not real, it is only temporary, with it´s conditions and deceptions,
God does not punish us, it is ignorance that does that, we live by our own conceptions,
Ignorance is a state of deficiency, disguised as a paradise on earth, we strive to have temporary success,
Ego or the natural world does not really exist, it is a created human illusion, that makes a great mess,
All desires are really just reflections of the one desire, this truest aspiration, to fly back to where we belong,
The heart of each desire, the very center of craving, is really the desire for union, our natural song,
The ego is not aware, that it is a servant of God, a stepping stone to the throne of reality, the natural way,
Oh Lord, I don´t know what I did to become separate from you, but forgiveness and peace, are here to stay,
I stop working, I surrender, the ego is greed and defficiency, separation from the real garden of delight,
The true escence of what is, will show itself, when we are empty, vulnerable and purified, it is right,
Then the emptiness can be filled, once and for all, when we respond to the great call, and get out of the way

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