Monday, May 17, 2010


I send love energy to you, you send love energy to me, and there is more love, energy to be,
Increase is the name, of the age old love game, and always remains uniquely the same,
You loving me, and me loving you, that is what, we all need to do,
What we send out, multiplys, without a doubt, returns to us, that´s what its about,
Giving and receiving, receiving and giving, that is high attainment living,
Anger and hate they reduce the power, and will lower the love, by the hour,
The result makes destruction, the way of choice, by reducing your mind¨, and reducing your voice,
This lower way of unhappiness comes, by making the decisions, that lower the sons,
Refuse to walk on the road of death, find better ways, for the power of your breath,
The safest path is the road of love, staying meek, following the dove,
If you repay, that´s all for this day, let go and let God, show a better way,
Leave the balance, to the holy one, then you know, all right will be done,
For if you take the vengence way, trouble will come, throughout the day,
And God will give you, clearly the right, but if you do, He´s out of sight,
But if you allow the Divine to rule, you have chosen to use, the finest tool,
The balance of all, will be the result, goodness for all, will always be felt,
Take the way of life and light, take the way, that follows the right,
Take the way, of love my friend, this will ensure, the Divine in the end.

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