Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Could we be like the sun, if our desire was one,

Could we shine all pure light, could we lift up our sight,

Could we send out healing rays, could we brighten the days,

Could we radiate warm notions, from kindly emotions,

Could we generate love, like the great up above,

Could we shine with the gold, could our goodness be bold,

Could we send out all life, would it help end all strife,

Could we peacefully stay, in a peacefully way,

Could we generate heat, to balance cold that we meet,

Could we accept each nation, without discrinination,

Could we love the human race, could it be our true place,

Could all be shone upon, from morning to dawn,

Could the light that we are, become the morning star,

Could all that we do, be the best for me and you,

Could we hold in our hands, the best of all the lands,

Could we all become one, and meet in the sun.

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