Sunday, October 25, 2009



I am fashioned around the motivation, the longing, the desires, and the laws of the essence of God, His Kingdom, and the future of all things.

I am the very highest of intent for the well being and survival of all of His children.

I come from the center of unconditional love and the very center of God being.

I, the will of God, evolve with the evolution of His saints, for the benefit of all.

I come from unconditional love, compassion, acceptance mercy and grace.

I ride the wind of change and I promote growth and development

Safety is my desire for the masses, but I will not put safety above experience and growth.

I want the very best for the extensions of God, as we are all one in reality.

I gather the off spring of God in my arms of love and protection.

I ensure the transcendence of all of the different facets of God.

I ensure the continual transformation of the body of God, and earth is only one of the many schoolrooms, for the off spring of the image of God.

Learn your lessons well, be attentive to the signs, and flow with the wind of change.

The Kingdom of God has all been made for you in the arms of pure love.

You are very privileged to have been given this opportunity for faster growth.

The care that is given to each one of you individually is very loving and detailed.

There is nothing, not one small thing that escapes the all seeing eyes of the will of God.

You see the world as large, but it is small, you see the world as complex, but it is very simple and easily monitored by heavenly beings.

If you could instantly see into the higher levels of beings within your midst, you would never have a care or worry ever again.

You are sheltered with the very best of care, the detail would surprise you.

The physical realm captures your attention, and you think it is real.

Seeing in just the next dimension would quiet all of your fears, dare to try it.

You have been living with these illusions for so long, you think they are real.

Lift up your eyes to your maker, enlist the help that you need from your provider, awaken to the real, and experience the more of God in all areas of life and being.

You are the joy of your Father and the delight of His creation, and he holds you in the palm of his hand, you are His prize possession, every one of you, from what you see as the greatest and the least, for they are all one in the eyes of your Father.

He is gathering you as a mother hen gathers her chicks, under the protection of her wings, but your Father has the ultimate power to keep you safe from all harm.

You are the apple of His eye, and He talks about your courage and the greatness that is within you, and He is very pleased with your willingness to experience life on earth, and to take the risks that come with it.

Come with me He says, come with me to paradise, for it was all made for your pleasure.

It is all yours, TAKE IT !!!!!!!!

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