Sunday, October 25, 2009


B&B Message

The good karma that you have sown in previous times, is now returning to you

Your request to transmute your previous negative karma has been granted

You had to initially work through a designated portion of that karma before the rest could be transmuted according to universal law

You are now on an easier path to fulfill your designated divine plans

Change is happening inside you and new change is coming all around you

You can have it all, it is your choice, the way has been made for you and you alone can walk in it now as never before

Keep your unity growing together and it will evolve into greater proportions than ever

This will in turn allow the greater part to shine through into the world around you

You have the keys within and the motivation to open up the doors without

Nothing can stop you from moving forward rapidly, but your own selves

The limits are off, the power is on, shift gears and accelerate into higher speed

Walk through and claim your God given heritage, it is yours for the taking

You have earned the right to advance at greater speeds and excel

It is yours, what will you do

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