Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Word from the light (May 21, 2005)

The meridians of life are descending upon you and this will give you a complete balance of all life and existence. You are tapping into the flow of life and abundance. Your previous life karma is being eliminated and the real freedom is coming through. We are leading you into the abundance that will give you complete freedom and mastery over all things in life. Use it wisely and walk very cautiously and make certain your steps before you make them. From this point on it will be more crucial that you follow the spiritual guidance in all facets of life and existence.

You have been chosen from long ago and now is the time to fulfill your purposes for coming to earth, at this time. All things will be revealed to you as you walk in the light of the presence of God and the Universe. The path is laid out before you and you only need to follow the obvious leading along the way. It will not be difficult to follow, it will be very clean and clear with beacon lights everywhere. You will nowise fail in any part as it has been destined in the archives of existence.
Spend time in spiritual teaching and spiritual endeavors as you are led to do so and relax in the knowing of who you are and the knowing of the kingdom of light. Confidence is your heritage and power is your birthright and nothing is impossible to you both. You can do all things with the support of the light within you. Shrink not back from any task that you feel strongly about and allow the power wind of the holyspirit within you to be your source and to be your

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