Friday, January 15, 2010




If I am to find form in this realm of thought, then it's expression has to be spoken in like manner. Your drive to become has induced a particular state in which not many have welcomed in this hour. The recognition that this is actually happening will sometimes bring you discomfort, as there has to be a shift in reality, which most certainly will bring a shift in your beings, physical or otherwise. That is also part of transcending from a lower nature. If you give thought to anything that is false, you will become trapped there. Spirit, if you will allow it, will rise above any haltering belief, but you must be willing to flow with it, as it is spirit alone that knows which direction is needed. There is not a place that the spirit knows not, as spirit sheds light on everything set before it. In spirit, there are no borders, no prison walls, nothing and certainly no one that is able to keep you from going through, going on, and becoming that which spirit is….Walk in the light as he is in the light and you shall know no darkness……

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